Where can I learn more about College Accreditation?

You can log on to www.joinitaa.com. Weare a non-governmental accrediting agency. We exist in order to provide bible colleges and theological institutions a reputable status. This means they must meet or exceed the standards we set within our accreditation criteria.

Like other non-governmental accrediting agencies, www.joinitaa.comaims to help students enroll in degree programs from Christian schools without having to pay an exorbitant amount for the tuition fee while still getting the quality education they deserve.

Why is there a need for me to know where I can learn more about College accreditation?
There is one good reason, and that is to expand your awareness of the benefits of enrolling in a college or institution recognized by a non-governmental accrediting agency. You will learn more about the financial benefit and the possible college or institution you can enroll in to get quality education for the four year degree program of your choice.

When a school is accredited by www.joinitaa.comyou can be assured that the particular bible college or theological institution has meet or exceeded the established standards in order to further encourage and support quality education.

You do not need to look any further as to where can I learn more about College accreditation? We have everything you need to know about college accreditation including the accreditation process, the criteria we use, and the list of the our members who have met our standards. It is our mission to help under- privileged students receive a quality education without paying a hefty price for it.